Friday, November 5, 2010

I thank you for your tipping of the hat and will reply with a curtsy, as this is the kind of lady I am. I do agree that I also believed we would never reach our full potential and have a blog that that no one will probably read.

Yes we do have lots to discuss and no am yet to see The Social Netork movie. I fear you have forgotten my cordinates on this planet as I am more likely to buy the movie on Amazon on clerance before it hits our cinema. But its the price you pay to live in a town where the height of entertainment is..............

Moving on. SoA, brilliant.! I have to say I am not completely up to date but am getting there. Jax is still as sexy as ever and what happens in the first episode blows you away! It set up the season to be an absolute ripper so you need to check it out.

Friday Night Lights season 4 is good, to be honest not the best season from the whole series but still very good. My favourites are there - Riggins, Coach, Tammy, Matty Buddy and Billy! I was worried at first what they would write Riggins and am still not convinced it was the right way to go, but the finale broke my heart. He is just too pretty for the ending on the season, I am worried for what might happen to him.

One movie I would like to discuss with you is Remember Me. Yes I do still burn a small candle for RPatz and hence the purchase of this movie. Its one of those movies where boy meets girl, he dates her to get back at his father, she finds out, they have a fight, he has to prove he really loves her Blah Blah Blah. Oh I cant forget he has a strained relationship with his father and what the two lovers have in common is they have both lost someone close to them. The loss stuff was pretty good but I spent the whole time waiting for a point! Me old mate RPatz likes to be seem as a bit artsy fartsy so was pretty disappointed thinking he had done either a dud movie or a film so artsy it had no point. But the last 2 minutes of the movie was brilliant. The ending was sudden and it had a profound impact and took you back in time. It hard to explain the ending as I dont know if you have seen it and dont want to give it away. But please see it!!

As you know I have many loves in my life, but none compare to my love past, present and future of Daswons Creek! Now I haven't watched it for a couple of years now and even though I would know every episode word for word, I have recently been informed that I talk about it in my sleep. My dear partner told me the other day when he came to say goodbye before heading off to work that he kissed me and told me he love me, and my response which I dont remember was 'I love you too, just like Dawsons Creek'. I think it must mean I am having withdrawl, so I am planning to have a get together with the gang soon!

Have you been watching Mad Men this season? True Blood?

You got any ideas of a series we can watch together, apart?

Also I heard today my husband James Franco's new movie 127 hours has some oscar buzz already! I am very proud of him! If only he knew about our deep connection, we could be very happy together!

Also I dont think I told you about seeing Tim Mcgraw. He was awesome! Before the concert they showed a preview for his new movie Country Strong, which has Skinny Paltrow and Leighton Meester in it. It actually looks pretty good.

I have to go my sweet p, I hope to hear from you soon.

Love your guts xxxx

Hells yes!

Aahhhhh finally our own little spot on the internet to dribble shit to eachother!!

I kind of thought this would never happen..that it would remain one of our much discussed, but never realised pipe dreams.

I tip my hat to you my good friend for making it happen -- it put a massive smile on my face!

You know my love for you knows no bounds and now the entire internet can know it too....I have nothing to hide, I want to shout it from the rooftops...

Ok so onto serious business -- we have much to discuss.

Firstly, have you seen The Social Network? It is insanely good.

Secondly, where are you up to with SoA -- what is happening??

Thirdly, have you watched the new season of FNL? I am dying to see it but Surf the Channel is giving me no joy anymore.

Finally, can I just say..I would be honoured to share any moments with you, bitchy and otherwise x

Monday, November 1, 2010

This is a call out to my good friend. I love her and I miss her. We used to have such a great time inboxing each other of Facebook sharing our inner bitch with each other. I think keeping this between the two of us is cruel and we should share with anyone who wants to read us dribbling bitchy stuff about people. So this is a call out to you P, you are one of the funniest people I know and I love your guts, so please share a bitchy moment with me!!!!!